How to Use CBD Oil for Stress

How to Use CBD Oil for Stress

Americans are stressed. If you ask any one of your friends how they’re feeling lately, they’ll likely say something like, “I’m pretty stressed, but I’m doing okay.” It’s not hard to see why. Between work, money, relationships, and family, we all have a lot on our plates—and it’s stressing us out. Big time.

But there’s an all-natural way to help relieve stress, whether you feel stressed every day or just once in a while. Many people have successfully started using CBD oil to relieve stress in their day-to-day life, without negative side effects!

And we here at Highline Wellness want to help! We’re on a mission to help make the world a happier and healthier place by making CBD accessible to everyone. We’re here to help you navigate how to use CBD oil for stress, whether you’re taking it for the first time or have been taking CBD for a long time!

Ways to Use CBD Oil For Stress

Take in the morning

For people who experience ongoing stress on a daily basis, it can be extremely helpful to incorporate CBD into your everyday routine. Over time, you’ll likely notice that you’ll feel generally more calm, less stressed, and better able to accomplish whatever you day holds.

Whether you choose to take a Day Gummy with breakfast or put a few drops of CBD Oil into your coffee, taking a dose of CBD every morning can help alleviate day-to-day stress you may experience.

Take before or during a stressful moment

Some moments are more stressful than others—like when you have to give a big presentation, stay with your in-laws, or go on your first date in who knows how long. When these moments happen, take a dose of CBD to lessen your stress.

Place a dropper-full of CBD Oil under your tongue or chew an Anytime Gummy to prepare yourself for whatever’s about to come your way. When that stressful, headache-inducing moment does come, you’ll be ready to take it on.

Take in the evening to stop late-night thoughts

When we’re stressed, we often have trouble sleeping. Our brains can’t seem to shut off, and we lie awake in bed thinking about every embarrassing thing we’ve ever done, our big meeting at work tomorrow, or whether our latest Tinder match is really into us.

Consistently having poor sleep patterns can lead to more stress during the day, and then we get stressed that we’re not sleeping well, so we have trouble falling asleep, which makes us more stressed during the day… And then we’re stuck in this stress pattern.

Chew a Night Gummy 30 minutes before bed, and you’ll likely notice that you’ll have an easier time falling asleep and will stay asleep throughout the night—meaning you’ll wake up feeling refreshed, well-rested, and ready to tackle your day.

Incorporate Other Healthy Habits

We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that CBD is best used for stress in conjunction with other stress-relieving, healthy habits. When combined with exercise, meditation, and healthy eating, CBD will be its most effective in helping relieve stress! Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, and take time to enjoy things that make you happy!