How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule In 4 Simple Steps

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule In 4 Simple Steps

We’ve all been there: tossing and turning, not just every once in a while, but weekly. Sometimes every other night! What’s going on? Many different factors can affect insomnia, or the inability to fall asleep, from one too many all-nighters to jet lag to everyday stress. No matter the cause, the result is the same: poor sleep.

Healthy sleep, meanwhile, is vital to just about everything: maintaining a positive mindset, absorbing information, maintaining a strong immune system, and keeping energy levels up. 

Luckily, it’s in your power to fix your sleep schedule. The nights of counting sheep are over! From OTC aids like  melatonin to simple tips for adjusting your environment, keep reading to find out how to fix your sleep schedule. 

1. How to fix your sleep schedule: reign in your routine.

We did call these steps simple, but that will naturally vary from person to person. But no matter how difficult it might seem to some, our first tip here is the best place to start: determine your ideal nighttime routine and stick to it. By sticking to a regular schedule, it’s easier for your internal clock to establish a new routine. If you’re trying to go to sleep earlier, be patient as your body adjusts. Change your bedtime in increments, such as ten minutes earlier every other day, until your body becomes accustomed to the new routine. 

Once you’ve trained your body to accept and expect your new routine, the most important thing is to stick to it as much as possible. Make sure to arise at the same time every single day, which includes weekends! Avoid sleeping in and don’t take daytime naps, if possible. 

2. How to fix your sleep schedule: control the environment. 

So you’ve developed a plan for your ideal nighttime routine, but you’re still having trouble actually falling asleep and staying asleep. What gives? Well, it could definitely be your environment, as well as your own actions within that environment. Reading between the lines? Put your phone down before and during bed! 

But the reason for this is, of course, because light exposure can negatively affect the ability to fall asleep. Consider this statement from a study published in the journal Photochemistry and Photobiology: “reducing household light exposure before bedtime is a simple and effective step towards reducing circadian misalignment.” 

Make sure to avoid light as much as possible, particularly from your phone, computer, and TV. If you appreciate even more concrete suggestions, consider avoiding your devices for a full hour prior to your desired bedtime.

Make sure the temperature in your bedroom is suitable for your comfort, too. Being too cold or too hot can make the difference between a restful or restless sleep. Take the time to find your ideal comforter and bed linens, as well. The cozier your bed is, the easier it’ll be for you to enjoy sleeping in it!

Another type of important environmental factor to consider is food and exercise. Avoid both when you’re nearing bedtime. Food can give you heartburn, while more strenuous exercise can be too stimulating. 

3. How to fix your sleep schedule: relax yourself. 

Speaking of stimulation, we’re turning to its opposite: slowing down. While some types of exercise will be too stimulating before bed, other activities are useful in helping you relax: primarily, yoga and meditation

In addition to these activities, other great ways to relax before bed include listening to soothing music and taking a warm bath. May we suggest pairing your bath with a CBD Bath Bomb? With studies showing that a high concentration of CBD may be able to help relieve stress and tension within the body, a bedtime bath might be just the trick when it comes to how to fix your sleep schedule.

4. How to fix your sleep schedule: consider melatonin.

Last but surely not least, if you’re trying to figure out how to fix your sleep schedule, you’ve likely heard of melatonin. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone associated with sleep regulation and sleep cycle maintenance. It’s a fairly common over-the-counter remedy that is known for its ability to help your body adjust its circadian rhythms. Check out our CBD Night Oil

Keep in mind that it’s always wise to consult your doctor or a health professional before introducing new supplements or nutritional products to your routine.

If you’re worried about how to fix your sleep schedule, you’re definitely not alone and you’ve come to the right place. Try our tips and discover that the good night’s rest you’ve been searching for is just around the corner, pending a few adjustments!